The best place to host your Last Man Standing football competition

Be the Last Man Standing. Always free to play.

The no hassle alternative to Fantasy Football.

All the enjoyment without the season long commitment and tinkering with teams for hours on end.

Join your friend's League

Choose a team to win. You can only pick a team once so choose carefully!

If they win, you're in. If they don't, you're knocked out

Play each gameweek until you're the last one standing

All the fun of fantasy football

None of the headache.

Get rid of the spreadsheets and managing a huge WhatsApp group, it's all done for you.

How to Play Last Man Standing

Choose a team to win each game week, if they win then you're through to the next gameweek! If they draw or lose then you're out.
Repeat each game week against everyone in your League.
The Round ends when there's one person left - the Last Man Standing!
The fun doesn't stop there! When the Round is complete, we go again from the next set of fixtures.

Easily keep track of who's paid the entry fee

Set the entry fee for your last man standing competition when creating the league and restarting a round. For example, everybody entering the competition would add £10 to the prize pool.

Everyone can see the total prize pool for the current round, show your players what they can win

Easily see who's paid and who hasn't. It's one click to record who's paid their entry fee.

Can you process our entry fees for us?

Unfortunately not just yet, the Gambling Commission would need to issue us a license to operate. For now, collect the money yourselves and keep track of who's paid using our system.